Chairperson: Dr. Jane Gray
Members: Dr. David Burrows, Dr. Shevaun Gallwey and Dr. Karthi Martelli
Meets on a project basis and may incorporate additional members on an ad hoc basis.
Aims: To promote an understanding of animal welfare in the region and to provide advice to HKVA members, the public and the Government on any matter relating to animal welfare. As veterinary surgeons our primary responsibility is the welfare and care of animals across the species and it was thought to be important that the views of the profession as experts in this field should be expressed and that good animal welfare be promoted by the HKVA. This will be particularly important as the Government is currently undertaking a review of laws that will have a direct impact on animal welfare and the HKVA should be consulted on such matters. If members have any issues that they would like this Sub-committee to discuss please email to the HKVA Secretary
HKVA Policy on Animal Welfare
HKVA Policy on Surgical Alteration
Chairperson: Dr. Jane Gray
Members: Dr. Owen Swan, Dr. Kylie Griffin, Dr. Tint Naing and Dr. Brad Easton
Aims: The HKVA are in the process of establishing a Clinic Accreditation Scheme and the most up to date draft document and appendices can be viewed at: The goal of the Clinic Accreditation scheme is to provide members of the public with an objective means of knowing the standard of a veterinary clinic beyond the waiting room. The standards have been drafted based on similar USA/Australian/UK and New Zealand schemes and take into account the unique aspects of veterinary practice in Hong Kong. The minimum standards have been devised to be realistically achievable and in line with minimum best practice standards worldwide. The scheme will be voluntary.
Chairperson: Dr. Tom Mangan
Members: Dr. Ken Thorley, Dr. Chris Brackman, Dr. Reimi Kinoshita and Dr. Fiona
Meets on a project basis and may incorporate additional members on an ad hoc basis.
Aims: The Veterinary Public Health (VPH) Subcommittee was founded on the 20th April 2004 to promote the general interest of veterinary public health in the region and to provide advice to HKVA members, the public and the Government on any matter relating to veterinary public health. Since its establishment, this subcommittee has been active in dealing with issues such as Avian Influenza, Japanese Encephalitis (JE), Swine Influenza and Bovine Spongioform Encephalopathy (BSE).
H1N1 Flu Virus (Human Swine Influenza) - Advice for Veterinarians and Swine Producers
Chairperson: Dr. Tint Naing
Members: Dr. Katriona Bradley, Dr. Ruan Bester, Dr. Arthur Lee, Dr. Ian Urquhart,
Dr. Michael Muir and Dr. Frank De Groot and Dr. Julian Ikin
Aims: To liaise and work with the Veterinary Surgeons Board to improve communication and transparency between the Board and the veterinary profession.
Chairperson: Dr Howie Wong
Members: Dr. Rob Gordon, Dr. Florence Tang, Dr. Tom Mangan and Dr. Alane Cahalane
Aims: To provide world-class continuing education in the form of seminars, conferences and workshops for the veterinarians in Hong Kong and the surrounding regions.
Chairperson: Dr Olivia Chan
Vice-chairperson: Dr. Myriam Baranger-Ete
Committee Members/ Contributors:
Dr Derek Chow, Dr Cedric Tutt, Dr Nellie Choi, Dr Paula Valiente, Dr Hobi Stefan, Dr Ting Naing, Dr Owen Swan, Dr Polly Yau. Dr Veronique Bachy, Dr Meera Surendran-Nair, Dr Shirley Kot, Dr Hilary Lam
Aims: To promote and support a "One Health" approach to antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The committee aims to slow the emergence of resistant bacteria and prevent the spread of resistant infections as the ultimate goal. Current focus is on strengthening the existing systems and setting up antibiotics guidelines to battle against AMR.
Head : Dr Lawren Babek, Dr Gary Lo
Aims: To connect early-career veterinarians with trained mentors outside of their own workplace for both emotional and career support.
If you are interested in joining our mentorship program as a mentor or mentee, please contact our secretariat (